Smolt Trapping Using Rotary Screw Traps in the Olympic Peninsula

Smolt Trapping Using Rotary Screw Traps in the Olympic Peninsula

West Fork has partnered with a client to carry out a multi-year sampling effort to produce reliable smolt outmigration estimates for coho salmon in two Olympic Peninsula rivers using rotary screw traps. This is accomplished through the direct quantification of juvenile coho emigrations, evaluation of trap efficiency and assessment of influential environmental factors. Traps are operated 24/7 and checked by the field staff at least once per day from April through June. This effort will provide updated information on smolt production to help inform management decisions such as pre-season adult run forecasts and tribal/non-tribal fishing seasons.


Eastside Type N Riparian Effectiveness Project (ENREP)

Eastside Type N Riparian Effectiveness Project (ENREP)

West Fork contracted with the Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources (WADNR) to manufacture and install Montana style hydraulic flumes for the Eastside Type N Riparian Effectiveness Project (ENREP).

Using eDNA to Determine Fish Presence/Absence

Using eDNA to Determine Fish Presence/Absence

In the Summer of 2018, eDNA collection and analysis was utilized as part of a larger project investigating fish distribution in Walsh Lake, located in the Cedar River Municipal Watershed.

Ballard Locks Smolt Flumes

Ballard Locks Smolt Flumes

West Fork was the prime contractor for design and fabrication of the new 6’ fiberglass flumes and PIT antennas recently installed by the US Army Corps of Engineers in spillbay four and five at the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks in Ballard, WA.